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Baltic-Black Waterway

Infrastructure project for socio-economic development, increasing energy security of participating countries and creating conditions for navigation between the Baltic and Black Seas (2130 km).

History of navigation development in the region


1893 year

In 1893, the Ministry of Transport of the Austro-Hungarian Empire began studying plans for waterways to build a navigable corridor between the Baltic and Black Seas, which was to have strategic and economic importance. However, due to the First World War, the projects were not implemented, and the work was resumed only in 1939 with the support of creditors from London, Paris, and Amsterdam.


2015 year

In 1996, the idea of building the E-40 waterway emerged, but active negotiations began only after 20 years. In 2015, the Maritime Institute in Gdansk published a final report on the technical and economic justification for the construction of the E40 waterway, which would allow cargo transportation between the Baltic and Black Seas via the Dnipro and Vistula rivers.


2023 year

In 2022, "MATIC" LLC together with the PJSC "UKRHYDROPROJECT," conducted preliminary exploration and assessment works for the development of an infrastructure project linking the Baltic and Black Seas in Ukraine.

The strategic goals of the Baltic-Black waterway 

The project of building a navigable transport corridor between the Baltic and Black Seas with a total length of about 2130 km is a rather ambitious, relevant, and modern project. Therefore, it is advisable to combine the joint efforts of Ukraine and the European Union to implement it, which will revitalize economic activity, obtain new advantageous trade routes, and ultimately provide "new breath" to shipping.


New infrastructure


New economy


New ecology

Forecasted growth of the business line

The project implementation will lead to an improvement in:



Construction of roads, power grids, and development of navigation.



Hydropower plants and green energy development.



Promotion of tourism development: rural green tourism, sports tourism, and recreational tourism.



Emergence of novel advantageous trade routes and advancement in fisheries industry.



Reducing emissions of CO2 and other pollutants into the environment



Additional jobs, increased income and improved quality of life.

Project involves

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Geological survey 

Hydrographic engineering and geodetic surveys are carried out to design land surfaces under water. Hydrographic engineering works are a set of survey works that allow obtaining reliable data on the relief and water surface in order to draw up an accurate topographic plan and profile of water bodies (riverbeds, lakes, coastal areas of seas, reservoir areas, etc.).


    - The main advantage of navigation is the ability to transport significant volumes of cargo. For example, one barge can replace 100-150 trucks. Fuel costs per ton of cargo will be reduced by 60-70%, resulting in not only an economic impact but also an environmental one, as the amount of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere will be significantly reduced.The existence of a new route will enable the export of grain crops and construction materials to European ports.
    - The gross harvest of grains and legumes in Ternopil and Lviv regions in 2021 amounted to 1.6 and 1.11 million tons, respectively.In 2022, the world faced a global problem when the aggressor country, Russia, blocked the operation of Ukrainian seaports, thereby hindering food exports. In this situation, the presence of alternative high-capacity logistical routes becomes of undeniable importance for Ukrainian farmers and producers.
    - The project involves the construction of supporting hydroelectric power stations with locks for vessel passage, which, in turn, will provide the region with new renewable sources of electricity.
    - The transportation of passengers by inland waterways will have a positive impact on social development and tourism.
    - Construction of highways and power grids, development of advanced transportation infrastructure.
    - The project implementation will attract investments for the construction of 13 hydroelectric complexes with hydropower plants and multipurpose reservoirs, as well as for the development of tourist and recreational infrastructure, and measures to improve environmental conditions.
    - Increased employment and income for the local population through the creation of jobs during the construction and operation of the hydroelectric complexes, as well as a significant number of opportunities in the development of the tourist-recreational complex, leading to a substantial increase in tax revenues for local communities in the vicinity of the hydroelectric complexes.
    - Development of fisheries.
    - Improvement of agricultural conditions and increased land value in the reservoir area.
    - Access to geoinformation data. The results of riverbed surveys, combined with topographic data, are processed cartographically to provide topographic and bathymetric information (navigation channel, shoreline, coastal infrastructure, depth data, etc.), serving as the basis for river information systems. The results of ongoing measurements of critical shallow areas will be accessible to shipping and logistics companies.

To implement the idea of creating the Baltic-Black Waterway

It is imperative to conduct a rigorous evaluation encompassing the economic and financial viability of the project, incorporating:

    Conduct a thorough analysis of the water hydrological conditions, technical feasibility and safety aspects of the canal construction, as well as other necessary measures to advance the project to the feasibility study stage.

    Seek endorsement and collaboration from governmental entities and international organizations capable of facilitating the coordination and implementation of the waterway's establishment.

    Thoroughly assess the prospective environmental and social ramifications of the project, engaging in extensive consultations with local residents and relevant stakeholders to proactively mitigate any potential adverse effects on the environment and society.

    Conduct large-scale preparation and coordination, as well as attract the necessary resources and support from all stakeholders.

    Systematically identify and evaluate potential funding sources, strategically engage and entice prospective investors, as well as cultivate mutually beneficial collaborations with compatible business partners.

    Systematically address a myriad of ecological, safety, and geopolitical considerations by employing rigorous analysis, strategic planning, and interdisciplinary collaboration.

    Take into account the opinions of the population and stakeholders, conduct consultations and engage in dialogue with the public to ensure transparency and legitimacy of the project.

We have already done:

    Roadmap for the implementation of the idea

    Extensive preliminary studies and preparatory activities have been undertaken for a substantial infrastructure project, laying the foundation for its successful implementation.

    We have received the first legal approvals for the project from local legislators, community representatives, regional businesses and government agencies, which demonstrates their support and recognition of the importance of the project and its potential benefits.

    Ready to move on!


The Dniester Canyon

The Dniester River is a renowned waterway in Ukraine and Europe, celebrated for its impressive length of over 1362 kilometers and breathtaking landscapes. Its depth reaches over six meters in certain areas. However, scientists believe that over two centuries ago, this measurement exceeded 25 meters.

Located on the left bank of the Dniester River in the Borshchiv, Zalishchyky, Buchach, and Monastyryska districts of the Ternopil region, lies the Dniester Canyon National Natural Park, spanning a total area of over 10,000 hectares.


The region is rich in biological and landscape diversity, where one can encounter roe deers, badgers, lizards, martens, as well as rare and endangered insect species, with over 50 of them listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.


The electricity generation from the 13 hydroelectric power stations allows for a reduction of approximately 320,000 tonnes of coal burned annually and emissions of pollutants into the environment. Additionally, in the Ternopil region, there are no local sources of electricity generation, which necessitates the procurement of electricity from other regions.

The issues that can be addressed through BBW

Hydroengineering structures will effectively mitigate the impact of severe floods and proactively prevent their potential consequences.


The Dniester River has played a significant role in multiple sectors of economic activity, encompassing waterborne transportation, water supply infrastructure, fishing industry, and recreational purposes. Since the early 19th century, substantial engineering efforts have been undertaken, involving channel reconfiguration, bed clearance, and threshold deepening, resulting in enhanced navigability for timber floating and vessel traffic.

The economic landscape within the Dniester River basin is characterized by diverse industries, including energy generation, petroleum and gas extraction, coal mining, chemical manufacturing, forestry operations, timber processing, food production, as well as agricultural activities. These sectors form the backbone of the regional economy, contributing to its growth and development.

The realization of this concept necessitates the establishment of a cohesive and cooperative framework among the participating nations, coupled with the allocation of sufficient financial resources and specialized expertise. From a long-term perspective, the projected advantages for all stakeholders hold the potential to significantly surpass the associated costs and endeavors entailed in the implementation of this concept.
The project office of West Ukraine Digital, in partnership with MATIC LLC and UKRHYDROPROJECT PRJSC, has conducted comprehensive preliminary surveys and assessments aimed at facilitating the development of an infrastructural undertaking aimed at interconnecting the Baltic and Black Seas within the territorial boundaries of Ukraine.
We extend a cordial invitation to governmental authorities, international organizations, and businesses hailing from the countries affiliated with the Three Seas Initiative, to actively engage in a collaborative endeavor alongside us, with the primary objective of advancing research pertaining to the economic, ecological, and social viability of the proposed project. Through this collective undertaking, we aim to effectively identify potential risks and rewards associated with the establishment of the canal, and adopt appropriate measures to mitigate risks while maximizing gains.


